Air conditioner getting up there in age, and not performing as well as it used to? The big decision is always to keep making repairs or replace. But how do you know when it’s time? Here are five ways to tell for sure if it’s time for a new unit.
Not Enough Cooling Power
Do you constantly have the air blasting on high, yet you’re still not comfortable? If your air conditioner is always working hard – but hardly working – it may be time to look for another. The problem could be that your current unit is undersized for your home, or that it is running inefficiently due to old age. Either way, you are losing money as it sucks energy while producing bad results. A new, correctly sized unit will cool your home at a regular setting, as well as cycle through efficiency stages rather than run constantly.
Uneven, Inconsistent Cooling
This is part and parcel with not having enough cooling power. While it’s normal for rooms that get more sun exposure or are higher in the home to be a degree warmer than darker or lower rooms, your air conditioner should be able to provide even, cool comfort throughout the whole home. A large variance in temperature means your air conditioner isn’t strong enough.
High Energy Bills
In Ontario we are already battling high hydro costs, but if your air conditioner is running inefficiently these costs will balloon even higher. If you noticed an increase in your bills last summer, or if the cost is just above what you are comfortable spending, it may be time for a new A/C. Not only will a factory new unit run better than an old one, technology improvements have allowed newer models to consume less energy.
Frequent/Increased Repairs
Like with any appliance or machine, frequent repairs are a bad sign. With air conditioners, the most common sign that the unit is not up to par is a frequent loss of coolant. If you are having to refill your unit with coolant every summer, there is likely a leak somewhere. These can be expensive to fix, so if your unit is over 10 years it’s probably worth investing in new equipment.
Remember – problems can be detected early by getting annual maintenance visits. They are necessary to keep your air conditioner running smoothly, and can also be required to keep warranties valid.
Signs of Wear
If you’ve noticed any burning smells, fluids leaking from the lines, loud noises, or visible deterioration on the unit, these signs point towards a breakdown coming. Emergency replacements never happen at a good time, so be proactive and consider a replacement before you are without cooling on a scorching long weekend!
To get a free visit and quote on a new air conditioner give us a call, or check out our selection. Remember we have financing and renting options too, so you don’t have to put your comfort on hold.