How to Choose Between a Gas Or Electric Fireplace

October 13, 2017

Nothing beats curling up in front of a cozy fire on a cold winter night. If you are considering adding a fireplace to your home, the first thing to decide is whether to go with a gas or electric model. Here is our breakdown of how the types compare. Installation of Gas and Electric Fireplace Gas: Requires a gas line to the house and must have room to cut a vent to the outside of the home (usually means being located on an exterior wall). Electric: Simply plugs into an electrical outlet like any other

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Why That Faucet Costs More Through A Plumbing Company

September 26, 2017

Maybe this situation has happened to you, or will one day occur: you are planning some custom home plumbing renovations in your home and get a quote on the scope of work from a plumbing company. When you see the part versus labour breakdown, you decide to shop around and see if you can find the fixture for cheaper. You hop online and do a quick Google search and find the part around 30% cheaper at one of the big box home hardware stores. Great! You’ve just saved some money by doing a quick price comparison online, right?

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5 Ways to Keep Your AC From Working Too Hard

June 27, 2017

Here are 5 simple ways to keep your AC from working too hard: 1. Close your basement vents Since cold air settles in low places, you will want to adjust your home’s vents for the summer months. Your basement will naturally be the coolest place in the house, so close your vents in this area to prevent over-cooling. Leave them half open on the first floor, and wide open on the second or third floors. This will ensure enough cooled air makes it up to the higher levels of your home, giving you an even and comfortable temperature

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‘Project Hope’ Build Is Complete!

June 13, 2017

Over the weekend Hy-Mark participated in the Project Hope build organized by Doug Tarry Homes. This charity event saw an entire home built in less than 3 days! Proceeds of the sale of the home will benefit the surviving family of St. Thomas native Johnny Nooren, who passed away leaving behind his wife and two young children. Beginning Friday, June 9th and culminating Sunday, June 11th before noon, the home took shape and was completed in only 39 working hours. Remarkably, site supervisors said that due to smooth coordination the home could even have been completed in

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5 Signs It’s Time For a New Air Conditioner

May 31, 2017

Air conditioner getting up there in age, and not performing as well as it used to? The big decision is always to keep making repairs or replace. But how do you know when it’s time? Here are five ways to tell for sure if it’s time for a new unit. Not Enough Cooling Power Do you constantly have the air blasting on high, yet you’re still not comfortable? If your air conditioner is always working hard – but hardly working – it may be time to look for another. The problem could be that your current unit is

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7 Bathroom Decor Ideas To Try

March 1, 2017

1. You’ve spent thousands of dollars on the perfect bathroom – why ruin the aesthetic with ugly plastic bottles? Instead, try putting mouthwash in an elegant glass bottle from the kitchenware section of any home goods store. Attach a rubber lined spout on top for easy, one handed pouring. Some small, nicely detailed disposable cups are a nice touch, especially for guests using your bathroom for the first time. 2. A display of clean bath towels can add a sense of luxury and comfort. A wine rack display can stow towels tightly in small areas, with the

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What to Look for In An Air Conditioning Company

February 7, 2017

For most of us, a house represents the largest financial investment we’ll ever make. That means finding a company to handle your AC needs is of utmost importance, as well. The company you pick will be your partner in choosing and maintaining your home’s HVAC unit, which has consequences you might not have thought about. Since cooling and heating can account for almost half of a typical homeowner’s energy costs, making the right decision can have an impact on your financial well-being, in addition to the comfort of you and your family. For years, people in Ontario have trusted Hy-Mark

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Should I Continue Repairing My AC Unit?

February 7, 2017

For most of us, a house represents the largest financial investment we’ll ever make. That means finding a company to handle your AC needs is of utmost importance, as well. The company you pick will be your partner in installing, maintaining and repairing your home’s HVAC unit, which has consequences you might not have thought about. Since cooling and heating can account for almost half of a typical homeowner’s energy costs, making the right decision can have an impact on your financial well-being, in addition to the comfort of you and your family. For years, people in Ontario have trusted

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Does My Drinking Water Need Reverse Osmosis?

January 2, 2017

Reverse osmosis systems are great for people who want the cleanest, purest drinking water possible. A reverse osmosis (R.O.) reduces any harmful contaminants, as well as unwanted tastes and odours. But how do you know whether an R.O. is right for your situation? How Reverse Osmosis Works An R.O. works by using pressure to push water through a filter membrane. When water gets filtered through this main membrane, as well as through any additional filters added, impurities are trapped and flushed down the drain. This leaves the water coming from your tap purified and safe for drinking.

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The Big List of Tips to Lower Your Heat Bill

November 21, 2016

In winter, the sound of the furnace working can sound a lot like money falling out of your pocket. Feel confident your heating system is working efficiently with these tips on preserving heat and spending less on your utilities bill. Here are 12 simple steps to lower your heat bill… Heating and Ventilation 1. Upgrade your thermostat Upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat that automatically lowers the temperature at night or when you’re away from home. And if you’ve heard it takes more energy to heat the house back up

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