January 2, 2017

Reverse osmosis systems are great for people who want the cleanest, purest drinking water possible. A reverse osmosis (R.O.) reduces any harmful contaminants, as well as unwanted tastes and odours. But how do you know whether an R.O. is right for your situation?

How Reverse Osmosis Works

An R.O. works by using pressure to push water through a filter membrane. When water gets filtered through this main membrane, as well as through any additional filters added, impurities are trapped and flushed down the drain. This leaves the water coming from your tap purified and safe for drinking.

Who Needs One And What Are The Benefits?

An R.O.’s benefits are clearest for people who want the highest caliber drinking water possible. Since R.O.s also filter compounds that give water a bad odour or taste, many people prefer the filtered taste of the water. In addition, this means purer and more flavourful coffee, tea, juice, soups and sauces in the kitchen, as well as clearer ice cubes.

A more serious benefit of reverse osmosis systems is protected from harmful materials that could be in drinking water. If there are any doubts about your water’s safety, an R.O. is a great option for safeguarding against many common water contaminants, such as:

  • Poisonous materials like lead, arsenic, nitrates, radium, copper and pesticides
  • glass-of-water
  • Bad tasting or smelling dissolved solids
  • Micro-organisms and parasites
  • Municipal water additives like fluoride and chlorine

An R.O. is also the more environmentally-friendly, and cheaper alternative to buying bottled water. They don’t create hordes of plastic waste that will end up in landfills. Also, bottled water companies buy up public water resources and sell them at an extreme mark up. Equipping yourself with an R.O. means you don’t have to support private water retailers and can get water for pennies rather than dollars per litre.

Who Doesn’t Need Reverse Osmosis

If you are happy with the taste and smell of your water, and you’re not concerned about harmful contaminants you probably do not need an R.O. People have different preferences when it comes to their water, and some prefer a more mineralised taste which the R.O. would filter out. And since humans need to consume certain minerals for our health, it is worth researching amounts needed and alternative ways to make sure your diet still contains sufficient levels. Also, those who are looking to cut down on water usage will not see a decrease with an R.O., as the filtration process requires additional water. However, most people do not see a concerning hike in their water bills.

The Final Word

An R.O. is a great option if you have any doubts about your water’s safety or just prefer the demineralized great taste of filtered water.

To re-summarize the benefits:

  • Results in great-tasting water, drinks and foods
  • Reduction of harmful or simply unwanted dissolved solids in water
  • More sustainable, cheaper, and a permanent solution compared to buying bottled water
  • Chemical free
  • Automated and easy to maintain

If you think you might be interested in a reverse osmosis system, call us (519) 822-6656 for a free water test and in-home consultation. To view the Greenway Technologies reverse osmosis system product line supplied by Hy-Mark, click here.

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