A gas fireplace is certainly the low maintenance fireplace option for homeowners.
While it’s easier and less messy to care for than a wood or pellet burning model, there are still upkeep tasks necessary to keep it burning efficiently and safely. You’ll need a professional to take care of some things, but there is still a lot you can do to look after your fireplace. Here are general practice and cleaning tips.
Before Each Burning Season:
Before touching the unit whatsoever, make sure it is cool and the power is off.
The exterior of the unit can get extremely hot. Clear the area around the fireplace of items, particularly anything combustible like chemicals, papers, or plastics.
Look closely at the exterior of the fireplace. Make sure the glass is not cracking or chipped, and the framework is solid. Check for soot forming on interior surface areas.
To clean the front glass plate, wipe with a clean damp cloth. Do not use an ammonia-based or abrasive cleaner, or paper towel.
If you do not have one, install a carbon monoxide detector near your fireplace to monitor against gas leaks.
Check the outside vents to make sure they are clear of debris such as snow, plastic bags, leaves, or anything else.
Check flames to make sure the output is correctly gauged. Flames should be blue with yellow tips. If the flames are only burning blue they might be adjusted too low, but if the whole flame is orange it might be too high.
Leave the Rest to the Pros
To do a complete maintenance and inspection, enlist a professional gas technician to come annually. On this visit, they will check the burners, the ignition system, and ventilation, as well as clean the interior of the glass plate.
If you’d like Hy-Mark to perform fireplace maintenance for you, email us or call (519) 822-6656.